WSBAA Washington State Bail Agents' Association
The Purpose of this Association is to promote the interests of Bail Bond Agents and Agencies in Washington State and to assist in the development of policies, rules, and regulations beneficial to the Industry and Public. We also strive to provide awareness to Bail Bond Agents and Agencies, along with the public about our industry and promote a collaborative, positive working relationship with Law Enforcement, Public Policy Officials, and other individuals to ensure the public interest is served to the best of our abilities.
One $100 winner for all registrations submitted by April 30 will be drawn at the conference!
Thank you to our 2024 Spring Conference sponsors!
Platinum Sponsor - BailUSA/Crum&Forster
Platinum Sponsor - Lacey O'Malley Bail Bond Agency
Platinum Sponsor - A-Affordable Bail Bonds
Platinum Sponsor - All City Bail Bonds
Silver Sponsor - Sun Surety
Conference Room - Bankers Surety Rise & Shine Breakfast - Roche Surety & Casualty
Conference Lunch - AIA Surety
Keynote Speaker - 11:11 Bail Bonds
ABC Speaker - Bankers Surety
Conference Folders - Financial Casualty & Surety (FCS)
Audio/Visual - Bad Boys Bail Bonds
Refreshments (coffee & tea station)- Northwest Surety Bail Bonds
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Previous Conference!
Thank you to our May 2023 Spring Conference sponsors!
Keynote Speaker - AIA & The Lacey O'Malley Team
Conference Lunch - BailUSA/Crum&Forster
Rise & Shine Breakfast - Roche Surety & Casualty
Conference Room - Financial Casualty & Surety
Conference Folders - Bankers Insurance Co
Audio/Visual - All City Bail Bonds (Spokane)
ABC (Jeff Clayton) - A-Affordable Bail Bonds
Afternoon Snacks - All City Bail Bonds (Spokane)
Thank you to our May 2022 Spring Conference sponsors!
AIA Surety - Conference Room
Bail USA Surety - Conference Lunch
Bankers Insurance Co - Conference Binders
Aladdin Bail Bonds - Keynote Speaker
Lacey O'Malley Bonding & Insurance - Conference AV
All City Bail Bonds (Spokane) - Conference Lunch
WSBAA Spring Conference
In person conference in Tacoma WA